Our Work

Supervision & Coaching

The SMI Principal is able to provide Pastoral Supervision and Coaching for people in ministry.

The report from the recent Royal Commission strongly urged churches and Christian organisations to ensure that all clergy and workers receive supervision. Sadly, the response has been patchy across our denominations, with some being much more proactive than others. Working with an external coach or supervisor has been identified as a key factor in ensuring clergy effectiveness and good mental health. I am delighted SMI is able to step into

What is Supervision?
“You learn nothing from experience.You learn a lot from experiences that you reflect on.” Supervision is the creation of a reflective space to enable you to critically review and evaluate your practice in ministry. Supervision is not someone looking over your shoulder, but someone helping you to have 'super-vision', seeing things about yourself and how you operate that you would not otherwise know.

Why should I get supervision?
Supervision offers you the chance to engage in the practice of reflecting thoughtfully on what you are doing in ministry so that you might stay healthy and your ministry can be effective. Apart from that, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has recommended mandatory supervision for all clergy.Research indicates that clergy and ministry workers who are supervised are more productive and operate with better mental health and greater joy. (Dr Grant Bickerton, Well Being in Ministry)

Intern Programme

One of the first achievements of the SMI has been the development of an intern programme. Briony Davidson is employed as a Christian Education teacher at Kambala school, and as childrens’ worker at South Head Anglican Parish. She is also studying at Alpha Crucis College as part of this programme.

SMI is keen on placing more interns in various ministry contexts in the near future.


Sometimes it is helpful to bring in someone from the outside to take a fresh look at how your church or organisation is operating and where you are going. SMI is passionate about helping churches and organisations achieve health and vigour by gaining clarity on their mission, and alignment with their goals.We can  help you by providing a review of your current situation, and by providing a roadmap moving forward.

We can  also work with you if you are facing a particular opportunity or challenge. For instance, if you are looking at making a significant change, such as staff reorganisation or amalgamation with another parish or ministry, we can work with your church to guide you through that process.

Our Principal says: “I was ordained in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney in 1989, and have been in local church ministry up until 2019. I have worked in a variety of churches, in Australia and Ireland, from small to large. I have led church planting teams, church revitalisation teams, headed up a community service organisation. I have worked in organisations that are healthy and ones that are chronically ill! I love the challenge of working with people to produce great kingdom outcomes in their churches and organisations."

The SMI Symposiums

SMI aims to be a thought leader in developing new models of ministry and we want to equip emerging leaders with the intellectual tools to imagine what the Church of the future could look like. We have developed the SMI Symposiums, which are a platform to sow into the next generation of leaders.

What’s a symposium? They are run round-table discussions, bringing together some great leadership exponents and some young and emerging leaders. Imagine groups of about 15 or so people, intensely engaged in exploring how to chart the uncertain leadership challenges ahead.

Our Bank Details

St Michael's Institute is a charitable organisation with tax-deductible status.
We are able to do the work we do because of your generous donations.

If you would like to contribute to the work of The Institute, our bank details are:

Account name St Michael's Institute
BSB 032 058
Account 396657
ABN 82 634 272 254